Tips for Golfers and Tennis Elbow injuries
The most common elbow injuries are injuries to the medial and lateral sides of the elbow joint.
Golf Elbow:
- Tendon inflammation in the inside tendon of the forearm
- Pain coming from a gripping action
- Aggravated by flexion (eg bicep curl) and pronation (rotating your thumb down)
- Joint may be warm to the touch
Tennis Elbow
- Tendon inflammation in the outside tendon of the forearm
- May be caused by repetitive actions such as gripping, twisting motions, trauma
- Joint feels weak- it is difficult to lift things
- Pain gets worse towards the end of the day
- Aggravated by wrist extension (lifting the fingers up- making a “stop” hand)
- Ice your elbow for 10 minutes a few times a day
- No “grippy” workouts such as kettlebells swings or bicep curls
- To reduce inflammation in the body take out foods that can cause inflammation such as grains, dairy and sugar
- Rest from the activity (tennis, golf, pitching in baseball, gardening) that caused the injury for a few weeks
- Try the stretch below
Wrist /Forearm Stretch
Benefits of the exercise:
Releases tension in the wrist and biceps
- Move in painfree range- if you feel a sharp pain stop
- Keep your back straight and shoulders down
How long should I do it for:
- hold for 30 seconds, repeat 5 times
This is a 12 week blog series discussing common medical conditions and exercise prescriptions for the older adult.
- Week 1: Dementia
- Week 2: Cardiovascular conditions
- Week 3: Fibromyalgia
- Week 4: Sciatica
- Week 5: Falls
- Week 6: Back injuries and conditions
- Week 7: Elbow injuries (This post)
- Week 8: Joint replacements
- Week 9: Shoulder injuries
- Week 10: Diabetes
- Week 11: Osteoporosis
- Week 12: Arthritis
If you would like a free consultation about how Vintage Fitness in home personal trainers could help your family member recovering drop me a note
Good Luck!
Vintage Fitness
Vintage Fitness is an in home personal training company in Toronto, Canada. We specialize in energizing the lives of people over 50 with exercise.
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