Peter's Fitness Success Story
A big congratulations to Peter for losing weight, improving his stamina and reducing his knee pain!
Peter is 67 and has been retired for 4 years from a managerial desk job. He had arthritic knees and was getting 35 plus lbs overweight feeling out of breath walking up a few flights of stairs. The thought of joining a gym did not appeal to him so with some research online, he found Vintage Fitness. It sat in his browser for a year before he finally pulled the trigger and called.
Peter met with Vintage Fitness trainer, Kristy Belanger, for an initial interview to review his goals and make sure that Kristy was a good fit for Peter. He was very pleased with her knowledge and attention to detail. She spent the first few weeks assessing his abilities and limits to devise a fitness plan which he really appreciated.
His results:
- After only 3 months, Peter lost 15 lbs and 2” from his waist
- Able to reach his shoelaces and his knees are in much better condition due to the weight loss
- Lost to-date 10 inches in total and 20 lbs to-date with Kristy
- Body fat has decreased 5% and his hydration levels are now in the normal range.
- Cardiovascular health and arthritic knee pain have improved dramatically from being out of breath going up stairs and pain in his knees, to jogging up the stairs after each session.
Peter’s personal trainer (Kristy’s’) thoughts:
Peter is now doing various types of cardiovascular training including interval training at high intensities while doing squats regularity -2 things he didn’t think he would be doing when we started. He mentioned to me, he used to walk slower than his wife, now he must slow down to not get ahead of her. His energy and stamina have improved significantly. When we started I assessed he could do 6 squats with pain, now 55 with no pain. He's had mild chronic back pain, however that has subsided as well as his back is now stronger. Not to mention his flexibility has improved greatly and moves around safer, day to day activities like bending over to get pick things up or tying his shoes are with little effort. Peter has been tracking his food and activity which allows for his own accountability and our progress working together. He is always motivated during our workouts and always looks forward to the next session, as do I. He takes my direction and is great at communicating what’s going on with his body regularly so we can make changes, if necessary. He also follows our program on his own a few times per week to get extra workouts in when I’m not training him. His muscle tone and definition has improved greatly throughout his entire body and he mentioned he feels more confident, stronger and healthier overall.
Peter is so happy about his goals - that’s he has kindly referred a few family and friends to me. Peter is a pleasure to work with and I look forward to helping him achieve his next set of goals!
Kristy Belanger
Here are the keys to Peters’ success from his perspective:
“I would say the key to my success (apart from Kristy’s training) is my motivation to succeed. I hit a high mark on my weight that determined me to get healthy in my senior years because life is short and did not want to live the rest of my life in pain and with too many mobility restrictions.
I actually lost 31 lbs to date and believe 4” in girth and 3” in thighs. Stamina has greatly increased and I’m not out of breath much at all and my knees have improved greatly with minimal discomfort as opposed to pain. Working hard on my core to reduce belly fat but that proves a bit more challenging. Have 13 lbs to go for my revised goal and then it’s new wardrobe time.
The amount of compliments never gets old. We visit a chain of resorts regularly and to have our Concierge in Jamaica text the Concierge in Mexico to tell that she will not recognizing me is amazing.”
Peter Kovacs
Video :
Here is a video of Peter in action.
If you are interested in a free consultation with a Vintage Fitness email or call (416) 951-7978.
Check out our spring promotion:
Good Luck!
Vintage Fitness
Vintage Fitness is an in home personal training company in Toronto, Canada. We specialize in energizing the lives of people over 50 with exercise.
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