What do you want to be able to do when you are 80?
Eighty may feel like it is a lifetime away or just around the corner—either way now is the time to make sure that you will be able to do what you want to when you are 80. Colin Milner, the president of the International Council on Active Aging, just gave a presentation at the Canadian Fitness Professionals Conference in Toronto called “AGE-ING a new way of thinking”. During his presentation all about how the attitudes about aging are changing for the better he shared some surprising statistics.
By the time the average North American is 80 years old only:
- 46% of us will be able to lift a bowling ball
- 49% of us will be able to walk a 400m track without difficulty
- 66% of us will be able to stoop, crouch and kneel
If you end up falling into the half of the population that can’t lift a bowling ball, walk a quarter mile or crouch it will have a huge impact on your quality of life. You will not be able to:
- lift a small bag to the overhead storage on an airplane which will change how you travel
- enjoy the benefits of walking outside which is great for both your body and brain
- do any gardening outside
- able to stoop down to pick up a grandchild
- have the stamina to enjoy a vibrant social life
Staying strong and healthy on your 80th birthday doesn’t have to be hard. Start today by making a few small changes in your life.
- Do at least 10 squats into a chair everyday to keep your legs strong
- Get up from the floor at least twice a week
- Get something that weighs 10 pounds and try lifting it overhead (most womans handbags are about that).
- Instead of keeping your legs straight when you bend over to pick up a dropped object try doing a small lunge to pick up the object while holding a sturdy chair or countertop.
If you want advice or how to create an exercise plan to keep you strong, stable and vibrant as you age drop me a note erin@vintagefitness.ca
Good Luck
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