Pina Is Stronger and Has Less Pain as She Ages

Pina has been working with her Trainer to prepare for her hip surgery and reduce her pain.

Tullio and Pina have been working together since August 2021 and her progress is amazing.  She has achieved all of the goals that she initially set for her training and created new ones.  Many seniors get weaker and heavier as they age but with exercise Pina is bucking the trend and getting strong year over year.

Notes from her trainer (Tullio):

Initial Goals (back in Aug 2021)

  • Workout to maintain/gain muscle mass and mobility before her hip surgery, so that she could have a smoother recovery.
  • Pain management while waiting for the surgery.


  • Hip was making a loud "crack" sound. It got really better in the first month of working out, no more "cracks".
  • Hip Surgery was a success! Mostly due to her dedication/commitment combined with our exercise routine.
  • Currently she is pain free! Getting back to most daily activities without trouble.
  • Her balance is improving! Less fear of falling as well.

Currently Working On

  • Full-body Strengthening.
  • Hip Mobility and Strengthening of surrounding muscles.
  • Daily movements, such as, going up and down the stairs, sitting and standing, reaching for objects.
  • Balance, static and in motion.

2nd set of goals (August 2022)


  • Back to all daily activities without trouble.
  • Legs and Upper Body are stronger.
  • Her balance is improving! Less fear of falling as well.

Currently Working On

  • Full-body Strengthening.
  • Balance, static and in motion.
  • Daily movements, such as, going up and down the stairs, sitting and standing, reaching for objects.
  • Getting back on the Bike!

As of today we she's doing extremely well, one thing that improved a lot is her flexibility as well she can put her shoes/socks easily now.

Well done Pina.  Your hard work and progress is inspiring!

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Vintage Fitness

Vintage Fitness is a personal training company in Toronto, Canada. We specialize in energizing the lives of people over 50 with exercise.

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