The Whys of Wonderful Things & King Tutankhamun

8 week course: The Life Death and Treasures of King Tutankhamun

By Laura Ranieri Roy
Founder Ancient Egypt Alive

Join our 8-week course WONDERFUL THINGS: The Life Death and Treasures of King Tutankhamun (with lectures you can watch live - or at your convenience over a period of two months). It starts Thursday March 10 at 2 pm EST, 7pm GMT). In it, you will get an in-depth look at wonderful treasures, the story of Tut's life and incredible depth, insight into Howard Carter, the man and legendary archaeologist and how he discovered and excavated the great tomb -- all enlivened by beautiful photos, videos, quotes from Carter - and even his voice! Catch Tutmania all over again in this 100th year since the tomb discovery!

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